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Letak ALL Emblem Resident Evil 5

                                Area 1-2

Chapter 1-2 : Public Assembly 1/3 EMBLEM 01
Masuk ke dalam gedung dengan tangga yang memiliki balkon. Periksa ruang barat yang juga berisi First Aid Spray.

Emblem 2 of 3. After a radio transmission about Alpha team is engaging an
unknown hostile, you will be in a multi-story building with no rooftop. At the
very top floor, there is a treasure chest with three gold bars (they are three
separate pick-ups). Emblem dibawah tangki air.

Emblem 3 of 3. Setelah mengalahkan Boss pertama yang dibakar di ruangan pembakar. Letak emblem sebelum menaiki lift sebelah kanan setelah mengambil peluru handgundi kopor untuk mengakhiri chapter.

                                Area 2-1

Emblem 1 of 5. At the start of this area, call up the map and locate the west
wall of the warehouse interior. The emblem is on the wall. Also: jump in the
hole in the palace if you go.

Emblem 2 of 5. Cross the metal truss bridge (the one with the runaway truck)
and look for a way check out its sides. The emblem is attached to a tarpulin
wrapped around one of the bridge's support piers.

Emblem 3 of 5. This emblem is on the docks. Near the gate you need to use the
port key on, there is a green soda (or newspaper) kiosk. Look inside to locate
the emblem on the kiosk's ceiling.

Emblem 4 of 5. After passing through the gate with the port key, a friendly
chopper will appear and fire on enemies. Just past the port's locked gate, the
first building to your right has roof access (via ladder). Get atop that
building's rooftop. The emblem is on an adjacent building.

Emblem 5 of 5. After passing dockside, you will be in the shanty town area. You
must do an "assist jump" (tomoe nagae) for your A.I. partner to unlock some
sort of path forward (if there are two active players, either character can be
thrown across the gap). At the spot where this co-op action can be initiated,
look at the rooftop of the building you're on and there should be an emblem
peeking over the roof's edge. Should you encounter the chainsaw-using gaoler,
you've gone too far ahead.

                                Area 2-2

Emblem 1 of 3. At the trainyard, you find yourself fighting dogs (needs more
Red Tick beer) atop some boxcars. While on the boxcars, look around for a
power tower (a massive truss/support tower holding up industrial grade
electrical power-lines). Should be pretty easy to make out. The emblem is
attached to this aforementioned "power" tower. Gee, that rhymes.

Emblem 2 of 3. In the mines, you or your partner will pick up a lantern to
light the way forward. At the first wooden bridge, there is a waterfall
nearby. Check out the rock facing behind the waterfall for this emblem.

Emblem 3 of 3. As you approach the top of the strip mine, you will exit a two
story building and fight enemies at a gun emplacement. Before going further up
a ladder towards a mass of armed enemies, look for three ore silos (or storage
towers) in the distance. The rectilinear building "visually below" these three
silos has an emblem on its corner. You will require a rifle with a telescopic
sight to hit the emblem at this extreme range. If you need distance to get the
angle required, try standing near the rock barricade separating the first half
of the strip mine from the second.

                                Area 3-1

Emblem 1 of 4. Saat pertama kali memasuki chapter ini. Saat pertama turun dari boat. Letak emblem berada di tengah tiang. Tembak menggunakan rifle.

Emblem 2 of 4. Check the map. Travel to the northwest island and investigate
the hut at the dock. The emblem is on its ceiling.

Emblem 3 of 4. Letak emblem di bawah rumah. Jika dilihat di peta, letak rumah ini ada di pulau yang tengah dimana banyak ayam di pulau ini.

Emblem 4 of 4. Setelah membuka gerbang dengan mengumpulkan semua potongan. Loncat ke rawa dan letak emblem ada di sebelah kanan bagian belakang setelah loncat dari rawa

                                Area 3-2

Emblem 1 of 2. After passing the area with the plank walkways above the
alligator pool, you will come across a Tri-Cell campsite with two olive drab
tents. Go behind the tents (by going through one of them), then check the
easement between them for this emblem.

Emblem 2 of 2. Setelah scene. lalu waktu mulai dihitung mundur. Langsung balik ke belakang sebelah kanan, ada ruangan dengan emblem didalamnya.

                                Area 3-3

Emblem 1 of 1: You will be on an airboat once more and will be forced to stop
after the first floodgate (but before the second). When you disembark the
airboat, your task is to operate a switch to open the second floodgate. During
this task, you should be able to aim towards the first floodgate to spot and
shoot the emblem (the emblem is under the floodgate's top piece). You may
shoot this emblem beforehand (while still aboard the airboat) but shooting
after docking is far easier.

                                Area 4-1

Emblem 1 of 3. At the start of this area, there is a rope bridge where you
engage the spider enemies. Clear the area and stand on the middle of the
bridge. There are two waterfalls near the bridge, one plainly visible and a
smaller one adjacent. The emblem is near the smaller of the two waterfalls.

Emblem 2 of 3. When you happen on the buried ancient underground Tomb Raider
city, there is a structure in the distance that has a giant mirror/crystal
thing (it's very luminescent). Use a rifle with telescopic sights to check
that structure. Halfway down its height, the emblem is barely visible. If you
went ahead and fell down the hole, you still have a chance to get this emblem.
In the room with the flaming balls, the emblem is on the tower where the
self-closing exit door is embedded. Check the recesses in the tower for the
emblem - standing at the exit from the X-shaped tunnels gives you enough
distance and angle to see the emblem.

Emblem 3 of 3. In the maze area with the colored statues, there is an emblem in
the wreckage above the green statue. To get it though, you want to not throw
any of the switches (it will change the layout of the room by raising and
lowering stairs). When you begin this particular section, go to the right from
where you start. You need to jump a gap and climb some stairs to an outcrop
where you can see the green statue and the ruined area above the statue. 

                                Area 4-2

Emblem 1 of 1. Inside the pyramid, you will have to turn mirrors to direct a
beam of laser sunlight to activate the exit elevators. On the lowest floor
(the floor with the most complex mirror puzzle), there is an emblem. If you
cannot recognize complexity, there is an empty treasure chest on this floor
that releases mutant spiders. The emblem is above the doorway in the sideroom
with the corpse and spikes. You will need to open the siderooms with the
mirror lasers to get it.

                                Area 5-1

Embelm 1 of 1. In the large garden with the mutant flowers, there is a small
bridge that humps over the flower field to the garden's exit. From where you
start, go to the right side to get the angle needed to see this emblem. The
emblem is under the bridge structure built over this small flower garden.

                                Area 5-2

Emblem 1 of 1. Locate the conveyor belt area. After passing through the first
set of conveyors, you will be in a second map with more conveyor belts. There
is an open dumpster that has this emblem (look for a large trash bin and you
cannot go wrong). Note that if you are playing Sheva, she may not be able to
shoot this emblem because of her Pygmy height. If you are crossing the
conveyor belt with the rejects from the virus tests, you've gone too far

                                Area 5-3

Emblem 1 of 3. Leave the previous area's boss room. There will be two
ventilation fans, of which the right one has the emblem. Time the shot to
avoid the fan blade, or you tend to waste ammunition.

Emblem 2 of 3. Locate the white metal silo with the rotating elevator/platform.
Before starting the rotating elevator/platform, go down the stairs and remain
facing the direction of the stair's descent. Directly ahead and above is one
of the many rotating elevator/platform control booths that will fill up with
enemy soldiers later. The emblem is on the ventral side of the control booth
that is ahead and above your character -- but only if you do not change
direction after descending the stairs to board the rotating elevator/platform.

Emblem 3 of 3. In the mining area where the multitude of lickers appear to
ambush the character trying enter the drawbridge control room, there is a work
lift that goes up to the second level gantry. The emblem is in this work
lift's shaft. You can shoot it before or after the work lift is lowered.

                                Area 6-1

Emblem 1 of 3. At the spot where one of the characters is trapped in a holding
cage, there are two cargo containers that spawn enemies. Locate the one next
to the switch you need to shoot to get to the crane (because it is too high to
activate by hand). This switch will raise the jet engine/turbine machinery
obstacle barring your way. Throw a hand grenade inside that particular
container and break the emblem within.

Emblem 2 of 3. Before entering the ship's hold (from the ship's deck, hence
loading a new map), try to aim at the ship's bridge and locate the radar and
instrumentation mast atop the bridge. The emblem is barely visible on this
instrument mast. Although dicey, it is possible to shoot this emblem using the
S75 rifle (note if you do it from too far away, your shot will never reach the
emblem). Doing it from atop on of the containers (after freeing the character
from the cage) is more likely. If you are having trouble hitting this emblem,
try the PSG-1 with some enhancement to its zooming power.

Emblem 3 of 3. In the ship's hold, there is a cut-scene with Excella (the
Italian broad with the D-cup breasts) in the plant lab. Check the upper
storage cabinets in this lab for the final emblem.

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