
Home » » Google Chrome 31.0.1650.48

Google Chrome 31.0.1650.48

Sepertinya untuk yang satu ini memang sudah tidak perlu pernjelasan lagi karena sudah familiar. Google Chrome Sendiri adalah aplikasi browsing internet yang menurut saya sendiri paling cepat terbuka saat diklik dibanding yang lain.

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

One box for everything
Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages.

Thumbnails of your top sites
Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.

Incognito mode
Don't want pages you visit to show up in your web history? Choose incognito mode for private browsing.

Safe browsing
Google Chrome warns you if you're about to visit a suspected phishing, malware or otherwise unsafe website.

Release : 12 - 11 - 2013
Size: 35 MB

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